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Who We Are

TKARS is committed to cultivating our students' Jewish education. We embrace a hands on approach to learning by customizing our curriculum to meet the needs of our students.

TKARS is proud to be serving the greater York County and South Charlotte areas to provide an innovative Jewish Education to students from Torah Tots to B'nei Mitzvah and beyond. We are a Religious School for all students regardless of observance or affiliation.

What We Do

Our students meet once per week on Sundays from 10am-12pm. Our school calendar is listed below. We engage students in Jewish curriculum topics ranging from Torah, holidays, mitzvot, Jewish values and Jewish history through varied activities such as drama, arts and crafts, technology and debate.

Hebrew is taught with the primary objective of reading fluency. Beginning in our Aleph classroom, we teach the students the skills they need to prepare for their bar/bat mitzvah



  • Provide a joyful, high-quality and inclusive Education for students

  • Immerse students in a learner-centered, diverse and inclusive community

  • Lead students towards an awareness of themselves as Jews and an understanding of their Jewish heritage and traditions

  • Foster a love of Torah and pride of being Jewish

  • To develop in our students a positive, joyous and resilient Jewish identity and a kinship with the Jewish People

  • To illustrate historic Jewish beliefs about G-d and help students explore G-d in their own understanding

  • To teach students to read and appreciate the Hebrew language with an emphasis on developing competence and confidence in leading a prayer service

  • To cultivate knowledge of and connection to the Land and People of Israel

  • To help students appreciate the role of Jewish values and ethics in becoming menschen (good people) and pursuers of social justice

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Torah Tots 4- PreK

Aleph Kindergarten & 1st Grade

Bet 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade

Gimmel 4th Grade & 5th Grade

Daled 6th Grade & 7th Grade