Join our Congregation
Please consider joining Temple Kol Ami. As we continue to build our congregation, we hope that it will bring you the sense of Jewish community that you have been searching for. We want to be able to provide a congregation that embraces tradition and recognizes the needs of a modern Jewish community- a place that you can call your Jewish home.
There are benefits to membership such as reduced fees for the Religious School as well as High Holiday services and Passover Seder. In addition, Temple Kol Ami provides a place for your Jewish life cycle events. We look forward to welcoming you to the TKA Family!
We have an easy to follow downloadable form you can fill out to send in with your payment to 2764 Pleasant Road #11423 Fort Mill, SC 29708 or if you prefer you can use our convenient Paypal link below. Additionally, you can pay via Zelle using our e-mail address
Membership Dues:
Single (age 25-59) $350
Single (age 60+) $250
Family (age 25-59) $450
Family (age 60+) $350
*Membership: Includes 2 High Holiday tickets
Religious School:
If you are a member, the cost per child is $350 ($175 for Torah Tots).
Pay Your Tuition Here
Religious School Tuition (member)
Torah Tots
Religious School Tuition (non-member)
If you are NOT a member, the cost per child is $650.
High Holidays:
Included in membership
If NOT a member $175
Please fill out the following membership form.
Once you have completed and submitted the form, please select the correct membership level and submit payment via Paypal. If you prefer to send a check, make it payable to Temple Kol Ami and mail to 2764 Pleasant Road #11423, Fort Mill, SC 29708.
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