Welcome to Temple Kol Ami


About Us

Kol Ami means "All My People". Temple Kol Ami of Fort Mill, SC is a Reform synagogue that strives to be a voice for the diverse Jewish community of Greater York County, SC and South Charlotte, welcoming families and individuals from all walks of Jewish life. We are a warm and inclusive congregation comprised of Jews from more traditional backgrounds, interfaith couples and families as well as those who may be rediscovering their  faith.  As a community we celebrate and embrace the joys of Judaism through ritual, culture and religious education. We are proud of our thriving Religious School, the largest in York County!


Join Us for Shabbat

Join us for Shabbat service the first and third Friday of every month. E-mail us at yorksynagogue@gmail.com for address. 

***PLEASE NOTE: Although we generally follow the 1st/3rd Friday schedule, there may occasionally be a change to the Shabbat service schedule. Please check our Temple calendar for dates of upcoming services. March services are on the 7th and 21st**

Upcoming Events

Join Temple Kol Ami along with Winthrop University for WHY THE HOLOCAUST STILL MATTERS April 6th, 3pm at Dina's Place on the Winthrop Campus (269 Digiorgio Center)

Holocaust Flyer

Temple Kol Ami Second Night Passover Seder

Happy Passover (Poster)
No cost for TKA members. Non-members and guests are $50 per adult and $35 per child
RSVP by April 5th

Meet Our Clergy 

We are very fortunate to have Rabbi Aft and Cantor Mary who join us periodically to lead services along with our full time Lay Leaders

Rabbi Bruce Aft
Rabbi Bruce Aft has served as an associate Rabbi and consultant for Temple Kol Ami since 2018. He has conducted High Holiday services each year as well as leading periodic Shabbat, holiday, and B’nai Mitzvah services. He has helped to inspire our congregation during both joyous and difficult times with his timely and impactful messages.
Cantor Mary
Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas was ordained in 2011 from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music. Cantor Thomas is currently the Director of Placement for the American Conference of Cantors and previously served Temple Beth El in Charlotte, NC from 2011-2023.

Temple Kol Ami is excited to share the news that we have been awarded a local agency allocation from the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte. With this funding, we will continue to strengthen our community through rabbinic leadership, Jewish cultural programming and religious education. TKA is so grateful to the JFGC for their continued support of our congregation as well as the Greater York County Jewish community. Please contribute to the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, an incredible organization that does amazing work both locally and around the world!!